Agile Strategy Implementation Solutions

We offer a range of solutions to embed the principles of Agile Strategy. They are proven to work effectively across a wide range of industry sectors, functions and at different levels of management.  Our tools, techniques and capability development frameworks have evolved over nearly 20 years to embed the disciplines and skills required to build strategically agile organisations.

Community messaging and collaboration

Our community is connected on a secure digital messaging and collaboration messaging app, hosted on Guild. Our private Agile Strategy group, accessible by invitation only, provides a safe and unique space for agile strategy contributors, practitioners, and community members to communicate, connect and collaborate with the intent of building a better business world together.

Consulting, diagnostic and advisory services

We advise and consult on distinctive business strategy execution solutions based on Agile Strategy to clients across multiple industry sectors, strategic projects and functions.  Our consulting and advisory services include strategy development and execution, organisational development and cultural transformation.

Interventions vary from ad hoc interventions and events to substantial long-term support as trusted advisors on strategy execution and organisational development programmes.

We work with main boards, executive committees, functional and strategic project leadership teams to create unique solutions to your challenges. In an uncertain world Agile Strategy creates competitive advantage enabling you to sustain performance long after we leave.

Coaching and mentoring

Strategically agile organisations need confident, adaptive leaders who embrace the future. We develop leaders to be effective in today’s uncertain and dynamic business environment.

Our support combined with the practical tools of Leading through Intent enables leaders to develop their skills, knowledge and behaviour enabling them to perform under pressure, lead through uncertainty, accept ambiguity and empower people.

Workshops and facilitator training

We deliver high impact events based on Leading through Intent to create momentum, engage people and move teams forward.

Our workshops create quality collaborative time to review and simplify strategy, reflect and thoughtfully plan execution. Our meetings always work to a tight brief from event owner or organiser. We pride ourselves on thorough preparation to ensure important discussions are held, conflict is productive, decisions made, and meeting outcomes add value.

We specialise in training and accrediting facilitators to deliver Leading through Intent in their own organisations. We can help select, develop, licence and sustain in-house teams to deliver our programmes.

Photo of Mark Bouch

Conference speaking

Stephen and Mark are both available as keynote speakers and event facilitators.

Based on themes around strategic agility, strategy, leadership and change our conference keynotes are a proven addition to high impact conferences and workshops with immense power to engage, motivate and inspire organisations by connecting them to the future and helping leaders face up to uncertainty.

We can provide standalone presentations and/or coordinate our activities with in-house staff, production, logistics and events agencies to make conferences memorable while maintaining strong connections to your business objectives. Our capability includes workshop design, problem solving and team development activities.


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